2022 prices

2022 prices

Issue 44 – Summer 2022 now available

Just a short note to say that we won’t be increasing the price of Golf Quarterly this year, which will make next year the fifth year running we’ve kept the price the same. This makes us quite unusual given that everyone else is busy raising their prices – except, according to the FT, the drug cartels, who are selflessly keeping the price of cocaine, heroin and MDMA  “stable”. I’m sure you’ll be delighted to know you’re in such good company.

But given that the price of both print and postage has gone up sharply, we would hugely appreciate it if you would help us in the following ways:

  • Make sure your own sub is up to date. I do not always have time to send reminders to those not on standing order (everyone seems to start in a different month!) so please ask if you think you are in arrears by sending me an email. All the details of how to pay are on the inside back cover of the magazine.
  • If you have never done so before, take out a gift sub for a friend or relation (this does not apply to the many loyal supporters who have generously signed up new subscribers in the past). To order a gift sub all you have to do is let me know the beneficiary’s name and full postal address and (importantly) their email address so I can chase them for a regular payment later. This, typically, will not be necessary if you do as a friend does and tell the benefactor clearly at the outset that he or she needs to ante up after Year One!
  • Adjust your standing order if it is still for £25 rather than £30 for the UK (or £30 rather than £35 for overseas). You may think £5 is a trivial amount of money but it’s certainly not when aggregated with others who have inadvertently underpaid.
  • Try to keep Golf Quarterly’s admin burden to a minimum, promptly informing me of any change of address or if you no longer wish to receive the publication. The publication runs on a shoestring without banks of call centre personnel, accountants, lawyers or even journalists.

I know the vast majority of Golf Quarterly subscribers are eager for us to continue. This will only happen, though, if everyone takes a moment to do their bit.