Expect the latest edition, appropriately our 36th, to drop through your letter box in the next few days. It left the mailing house last Thursday almost exactly 10 years after the launch of Issue One. Many of today’s subscribers have been in from the start and have not only kept up a regular payment ever since but have enthusiastically spread the word to friends, often buying them a year’s subscription as a gift. Thank you particularly to these ‘early adopters’, and to others along the way who have kept the faith.
I hope you’ll enjoy the new issue which includes a delightful cover story about caddies, an amusing tale about what went on in the the locker room (and in the garden) at Royal St George’s ahead of the 2003 Open, the gentle golfing reflections of a retired Supreme Court judge, and extracts from an interesting article about golf 100 years ago at the time of Spanish flu. All that plus Mr Stickler, a new picture quiz and six pages of readers’ letters.
Looking ahead I hope Golf Quarterly will remain a constant in an increasingly turbulent world. One thing that will certainly not change is that I will continue to ask you to renew your subscription promptly and to sign up new supporters! In future, you can do this by simply forwarding them the link to www.golfquarterly.co.uk, which has had a bit of a facelift recently and now provides both a taste of the publication and clearer instructions on how to pay.
Golf, as we’ve known all along, is the perfect sport for a world of ‘social distancing’, so let’s hope it will be safe to ease more of the lockdown restrictions in the next few weeks and that we can all start making up for lost time.
Tim Dickson, Editor
Jolyon Connell, Publisher
Fiona Hill, Chief Designer