Golf may be stopping and starting at the moment – but you’ll be glad to hear Golf Quarterly continues without interruption!
Please support GQ and make someone happy by taking out a new subscription as a Christmas present for a friend or relation, and by passing this message on with your recommendation to other golfers.
Enjoy the resumption of golf if you are in a country or region which is ‘locked down’, and have a very happy Christmas! Things can only get better in 2021…
Sneak preview…
Saved by my golf bag GQ’s discreet diplomat on a narrow escape
Making the Cut
Stone the crows!
What a lie for a brassie..! Bryan Jenkins on the forgotten Archie Compston
Can golf continue its winning streak? Tom Clarke on the industry’s outlook
COVER STORY Stephen Barnard on Seve’s great escape
Poetry Corner Machrihanish by Ian Nalder
James Woods’ Christmas Quiz
Where have the trophies gone? Philip Donald on another exclusive ‘club‘
A golf lesson for Boris Johnson
The case against baseball caps and beanies Charles O’Reilly on what not to wear
My round with Sandy Lyle Andrew Aylwin on his surprise ‘pick’
Letters to the Editor
Cartoon Corner
West country centenarian John Philips is 100 not out!
Let’s hear it for the caddie… by Julian James
Doing a ‘Jon Rahm’ David Shaw Stewart on famous holes in one
Doctors on the dunes Anthony Shillington on the Percy Fisher Golfing Society
How well do you know the Rules? Mr Stickler
Parting Shot Richmond Golf Club’s new rules